It never gets easier, but it puts the value of life and food into perspective as an almost religious experience.
Closet Gardening with LED Grow Lights
There’s no need to read about indoor farming as the wave of the future. It’s here now and is available to everyone.
Costco Cuisine: Preparing a Five Pound Bag of Lemons for Future Use
Whether you shop at Sam’s Club, Costco, Chef Zone or Smart and Final, bulk purchases can be daunting.
Here’s a recipe to preserve a full five pounds of lemons for future use. Added benefit: the food tastes better too.
Next Plant Exchange, October 12, 2021
Join us at our monthly plant exchange, second Tuesdays in Hawaii Kai
Next Plant Exchange, September 14, 2021
Join us at our monthly plant exchange, second Tuesdays in Hawaii Kai
An about-face on kupuna hours at Costco
This week, Costco shut down the extra 9:00 am Hawaii Kai hour for kupuna. Next week, beginning on July 26, 2021 it plans to reverse course and reopen at 9:00 am again….
It’s been a crazy Hawaii summer: visitors nonstop
So far this year, we’ve been blessed with multiple visits from our friends. It started in April and has been continuing for the past few months. I thought I’d share this thank…
Next Plant Exchange, August 10, 2021
Join us at our monthly plant exchange, second Tuesdays in Hawaii Kai
Plant Layering Hack: Safety Staples
Layering is a way to grow new plants from existing plants without having to take any cuttings. In a nutshell, bury part of a stem or branch in the soil and new…