Grocery Stores Safeway is no longer 24/7 Safeway is open from 6 am to 10 pm. Special hours for kupuna are 7am-9am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Banks and Financial Institutions American Savings…
Grab and Go meals for ALL keiki age 18 or younger
In these tough times, no child should go hungry. If you need a meal for your child, the Hawaii Department of Education, in conjunction with the USDA is offering both breakfast and…
NEW – East Oahu CoronaVirus COVID-19 Updates
Oahu Shelter-in-Place begins March 23, 2020 at 4:30 HST As of March 23 4:30 HST through April 30, 2020 the Island of Oahu is under Shelter-in-Place orders from Mayor of the City…
Purple Heart – Wandering Jew
This came to us recently as a donation and has done exceptionally well. Wandering Jew comes in many varieties and colors. This variety is known as Purple Heart or Purple Queen. The…
For Omiyage – $8 Flat-Rate Shipping Envelopes
Now that my kid is in college, we ship more things to the mainland than ever before. I’ll let you in on a little-known bargain: $8 flat rate Priority Mail padded envelopes….
Marungay / Moringa / Kalamunggay
Marungay is an excellent growing choice if you have lots of room and are very hungry. The tree grows prolifically; the bean pods and the leaves are edible and highly nutritious. Seriously…
Shiso (Perilla), Multiple Varieties
The Asia Ip and Britton varieties come from Johnny’s Seeds. The green shiso is grown from the seed stock of shiso originally purchased locally at Leilani’s Nursery in Waimanalo. Green is a…
Hawaii Kai Plant Exchange
Our plant exchange takes place at Kaiser High School in their parking lot from 4-6 every second Tuesday of the month. We will be swapping plants with neighbors. Bring some and take…
Seeds for Planting
I occasionally bring seeds to exchange, but in the hustle of the plant exchange, forget to put them out for browsing. Here is a list of seeds that I have on hand….