According to a new study in the Nature journal Scientific Reports, composting food scraps results in 38 to 84 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than tossing them in landfills. Here on Oahu, we typically…
Beans, Lettuce, Basil: What’s in your Hawaii Garden?
Right now, I have Mascotte French beans, Magenta Crisp lettuce, and a variety of basils growing in my garden. The basil shown next to the lettuce is Siam Queen Thai basil, which…
Next Plant Exchange, June 13, 2023
Join us at our monthly plant exchange, second Tuesdays in Hawaii Kai
USDA Plant Hardiness Zones for Hawaii
One of the biggest mistakes one can make when buying plants or seeds, is buying them for the wrong climate. Many plants require cool nights, or even a period of frost in…
Bunny Ipo Crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 10 Years
Rest in peace, Ipo darling. Our beloved rabbit died last night after 10 years. We’ve had him since May 1, 2013 and he was born on March 1, 2013. After all these…
Incubating Japanese (Coturnix) Quail
I’m starting a new hatch. This one will be my biggest ever — I’m planning to sell the extras, so if you’re interested, email me at Here are the steps to…
Nothing but feathers and a foot
I lost two quail over the past two days. I think it was a cat. Not our cat, a feral one that’s been boldly hanging around the coops. Lost two hens, but…
Chinese Multicolor Spinach – Amaranth
This plant is beautiful — and, you can eat it. It’s also really made for gardens in Hawaii and I’ve had great success with growing it. Chinese multicolor spinach amaranth, also known…
Blue Butterfly Pea
Butterfly pea is a beautiful plant that produces blue and white flowers that can be used for tea and food coloring. It is easy to grow and requires good drainage soil. Here are…