PowerStroke Electric Pressure Washer PS141912 “I use it to clean the grill” It really only took one sentence to convince me. “I use it to clean the grill.” I had been contemplating…
What is the AVID (college readiness) program?
At the end of his Niu Valley Middle School eighth grade year, my son was given the option of applying for AVID at Kaiser High School. AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual…
Calculators approved for AP, SAT and IB testing
In the first week of his freshman year, my kid’s high school math instructor presented him with one of two graphing calculator suggestions. The choices were the Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX and the Texas…
East Oahu News – Friday Update 8/19/2016
August 18, 2016 – The fourth annual Keith Dinsmoor Trophy Regatta was held in the waters off Lahaina near Mala Wharf in West Maui on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 13 and…
Pet food at Waimanalo Feed Supply
Because I’m told that fish don’t count, our family’s first “real” pet is a rabbit. He’s a Netherland Dwarf, a tiny little black creature that lives in a three-story one-of-a-kind apartment. I’ve…
Ti Leaf, various colors
Ti Leaf, Green Ti leaf is used for making leis and for wrapping food in for flavor while cooking. These ornamental plants come in a variety of shapes and colors. The ones…
Kaiser High School New Temporary Website
Henry J. Kaiser High School continues to work on its website. Meanwhile, users are asked to use http://www.kaiserhighschoolhawaii.org/ for the latest information.
Cholesterol Spinach
Cholesterol Spinach Purchased at Home Depot as “Cholesterol Spinach,” this most closely resembles Ganura Procumbens. It is also known as the wonder plant, anti-cholesterol plant and longevity spinach. It grow rapidly and…
East Oahu News – Friday Update 8/12/2016
August 11, 2016 – Vandals damaged Hahaione Elementary School’s playground over the August 6 weekend. The $45,000 structure, paid for with community donations, will have to be removed at a cost of…