This upcoming plant exchange on July 13, 2021 will have a wide variety of tomatoes to choose from. I’m bringing three types, our plant exchange friends “G and L” will be bringing…
Celadon Quail Hatch Nearly Thwarted by Fish
Since last month’s quail hatch yielded only eight chicks and because all that hatched were spoken for beforehand, I started another incubation on July 1. The new chicks are set to hatch…
Brad’s Atomic Grape Tomato
We got these beauties in June of 2020, several months before the temporary farmer’s market shutdown. I have to say that I was never able to get the same rainbow of colors…
Cherokee Purple Tomato
I’ve tested these out for Hawaii’s climate. They’re fantastic. The Cherokee Purple tomato is classified as a medium sized variety and the one in the picture weighed a pound. The variety is…
Hawaii and the Harvest Moon Economy
One of my fondest memories growing up in Hawaii was coming home and finding a giant bag of something good from someone’s yard on our doorstep. It reminds me so much of…
Eight quail chicks find a new home
I’m going to miss these guys. They hatched a day and a half early, strong and ready to face the world. I had the privilege of keeping them for five days before…
Early Quail Hatches for a One Year Anniversary
Five of a new quail hatch hatched two days early, on Day 15, exactly one year since my first hatch. Yes, that’s a bottle cap. Coturnix quail are amazingly small but they’ll…
Raising Quail: Mom’s Apocalypse Birds
The Bright Idea: Raising Quail At the start of COVID shutdown in March 2020, I had the bright idea of making sure our food supply was fully sustainable. For my daughter and…
Next Plant Exchange, July 13, 2021
Join us at our monthly plant exchange, second Tuesdays in Hawaii Kai