So far this year, we’ve been blessed with multiple visits from our friends. It started in April and has been continuing for the past few months. I thought I’d share this thank…
Tag: Summer
2016 Summer movies for $1 at Consolidated Theatres – Koko Marina
Consolidated Theatres has announced its lineup of $1 summer movies for the Keiki Hui Club. Movies take place throughout June and July on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00am. Tickets can also be…
Summertime 2016 Dollar Movie Schedule for Windward Mall Regal Theatres
Theater Location Distance Start Date Regal Windward Stadium 10 Kaneohe, HI 10.9 May 31 All movies start at 10AM and are rated G or PG View theater details Week…
Summer Youth Basketball Clinic at Kaiser HS
Hawaii Storm is offering a 1-week Basketball Camp from June 8-June 11, 2015. The price is $110 for early registration before May 8, $130 thereafter. The camp will be held at the…