Upcoming 2023 Recycling Events on Oahu: AUGUST 19, 2023 – Maunalua Bay Beach ParkSEPTEMBER 2 – Hawaii Baptist AcademySEPTEMBER 16 – Leilehua High SchoolSEPTEMBER 30 – Campbell High SchoolOCTOBER 7 – Wahiawa…
Next Plant Exchange, September 12, 2023
Join us at our monthly plant exchange, second Tuesdays in Hawaii Kai
Windward Community Meeting on Invasive Species Prevention, Control, and Eradication Efforts for Little Fire Ant, Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle, and Coqui Frog Infestations August 21, 2023
It’s a mouthful of a title, but that’s what the Waimanalo Neighborhood Board and elected officials are calling this community meeting. Here is the flyer: Concerns over these invasive species have reached…
August exchange: Rau Ram (Vietnamese cilantro)
I’m bringing rau ram to tomorrow’s plant exchange. Lots of rau ram. Turns out, rau ram loves aquaponics systems and like ong choi, just keeps growing and growing. I’m also cooking rau…
Revisiting Kiwano, part two
If you recall from [this post], I had just started harvesting African Horned Cucumber, also known as Jelly Melon and also known as Kiwano. Then there was my own nickname for them,…
Plant Exchange for August: Santa G strikes again!
The plant exchange runs on an amazing team of volunteers. One of them is G, half of the G&L couple I occasionally blog about. Today, G sent me a list of what…
Costco Product Review: Sun Tropics Tapioca Boba Pudding with Coconut Milk
This one is a buy-again five-star find. When I saw it yesterday at Hawaii Kai Costco, I wasn’t sure whether to buy it or not. The thing with Costco is that if…
You don’t need a lot of land to plant a garden
Check out this post from Oregon State University (OSU), “Things to consider when starting your vegetable garden.” It’s probably the best checklist I’ve seen so far: short and actionable for those interested…
Sometimes the best food has no recipe
I had to blog this while the feeling is still in my mouth. Humble brag here, I went out to prune the plants and came back with a basket of vegetables that…