Once again, by accident, I happened upon a useful report from the Hawaii Department of Education. This report (attachment in PDF available at the end of the article) is for the 2013-2014 school year and provides metrics and demographics for Niu Valley Middle school. A full set of reports for all Hawaii public schools is available at: http://arch.k12.hi.us/school/ssir/ssir.html
The report is a tight and comprehensive overview of each of the schools and contains vital information about the facility. For Niu Valley, the report indicates that enrollment is up. Fall enrollment for 2013-2014 was 891 versus 816 for the 2012-2013 school year. Demographically, the school is a quarter (25.5 percent) White, 1.7% Black, 1.7% Hispanic and the remainder primarily some iteration of Asian or Pacific Islander.
Parental education, a statistic I track because of the correlation between educational standards and student performance, looks much like the Census figures reported earlier. The source for these data are also from the Census, so one would expect a great degree of similarity showing the higher levels of education in the Hawaii Kai, Kuliouou, Niu Valley and Aina Haina areas.
These are just quick observations and snippets of the report. As a whole, this report has a lot to offer, and is a quick read for understanding the foundation of the school and its neighboring community. Included in the report are teacher, parent and student assessments of school quality, discipline (suspensions), and test scores. The report was released January 9, 2015.