March’s swap was surprisingly busy considering it was also spring break weekend and there were a number of competing activities the same day. A big shout out to B. who brought some beautiful desert rose and shared his expertise with us.
Also, a big-shout out to our regular volunteers who helped with set up and take down, and to Santa G. who despite not being able to make it to the exchange himself, provided us over a hundred plants and cuttings to share.
For April, we will once again be at Koko Marina Center with 808 Craft and Gift Fairs . It’s every Third Saturday from 10am through 1pm on the waterfront between Assagio and Kim’s BBQ. The 808 Craft and Gift Fair will also be taking place so there will be vendors galore. Next event is April 19, 2025.
Some expected plants are: Campari tomato, Petch Thai eggplant, airplants, mint, variegated spider plant, cholesterol spinach, basil, hearts and flowers (cuttings), varieties of snake plant, bromeliad, aloe, and oyster plant.
Questions? Contact Auntie@EastOahu96825.com