A big shout-out to the amazing volunteers who keep the plant swap running. I wasn’t there in February, but everything ran as usual and we were (thanks to my husband’s efforts) able to also feed the remaining donations into another swap in Manoa Valley the following day.
We will be at Koko Marina Center with 808 Craft and Gift Fairs every Third Saturday from 10am through 1pm on the waterfront between Assagio and Kim’s BBQ. It’s part of a larger event with 808 Craft and Gift Fairs so there will be entertainment and vendors galore. Next event is March 15, 2025. As you can see from the picture above, the exchange has been a huge success and a source of joy for many.
Some expected plants are: tomato varieties, French marigold, Cleopatra canna lily, airplants, mint, green shiso, cholesterol spinach, variegated Cuban oregano, hearts and flowers (cuttings), varieties of snake plant, bromeliad, aloe, oyster plant.
Questions? Contact Auntie@EastOahu96825.com