I’ve been a fan of Renee’s Garden seeds for many years: over a decade, in fact. Their product line is fun, eclectic and often unique. They also specialize in the backyard gardener who makes careful decisions on how to use their scarce space.
I recently tried their Bush Slicer Container Cucumber. I give it a thumbs-up, which is a pretty big thing for a 3-D plant. To me, a 3-D plant is anything that climbs around or has tendrils that wrap themselves on anything in their way; typically I steer away from these. I just find that my mind limits itself to 3-D ready-to-assemble furniture or things with charts and instructions. Anyone who builds trellises will tell you that 3-D plants have their own ideas on where to grow.
The Bush Slicer Container Cucumber is a 3-D plant, replete with many tendrils and prone to want to wander. Still, it does live up to its name as a container plant. You can put the roots in a pot, water regularly and fertilize and it grows and grows and grows. It also puts out a prolific amount of cucumbers in a compact space. The harvest time is rapid (55 days) and from the description, is indeterminate. In Hawaii’s climate that could mean I have cucumbers for months into the foreseeable future.