I bought one of these composters several years ago, and have since purchased it three more times for fellow gardeners. I’ve also had others come and see it in action, then purchase their own. Right now, it’s on sale for $54.90 with Amazon Prime.

The composter has two chambers, so what would recommend is fill one completely, then start another to add compost material to day-by-day. For me, because of the quail, I’m usually able to fill each chamber completely each time. With quail manure, the compost usually ages adequately within 3 weeks or so because the high nitrogen level allows it to burn quickly. For ordinary leaf matter and table scraps, I’d recommend two months, or until it is no longer “hot.” This is still way faster than the usual 6 months needed with pile composting. Additionally, you can add kitchen scraps without worrying about centipedes, rats and all of the other nuisances that keep ordinary people from attempting composting in the first place.
An additional tip, you can chop your dried leaf matter before composting using a weedwhacker in an enclosed bin. Just be sure to wear proper protective gear, including eye protection. This will help the compost to age faster.
P.S. If you see this post and it’s no longer on sale, it’s still a good buy. When I first got mine, it was nearly $100. Yet, I’ve used it for many years, saving not only on the purchase of planting material, but having a superior quality product that helps save our earth.