Just when I think we can’t top the last one, everyone comes through and makes it even bigger, better and more festive. June’s exchange was a roaring success. I’d like to once again thank our regulars, “B,” “F,” and “K.” I’d also like to thank several more sets of big volunteers, “E and S”, who have come in several months with truckloads of bromeliads, taro and beautiful airplants; and “G and L” who have delivered amazing vegetables and plant seeds. Previously, “G and L” even stopped by my place on a weekend to bring plants when they couldn’t make it to the exchange. The exchange relies on the generosity of the community and all of you prove what can be done when everyone contributes.
Speaking of contributions, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of the public. Although donations are always voluntary, your donations have provided a nice source of regular funds for Kaiser High School. To date, we have given over $4K to the parent-teacher association. Starting this year, we’ve had enough funds to purchase potting soil and supplies like 4″ pots and plant labels. This in turn has made it easier for our regular volunteers to replenish the supply of plants each month.
I’d also like to thank 808 Green Thumbs members for helping spread the word. Unquestionably, our attendance has increased due to word of mouth. Plant donations have also increased and each month continues to provide a welcome surprise of new offerings.
Some highlights from this past exchange for me, was a father-son couple that delivered plants and took some home in their quest for a planting merit badge and a newcomer who couldn’t stop marveling over how wonderful people are. (Trust me, I too forget sometimes but this exchange reminds me of who we really are deep down inside.)
Mahalo Nui Loa,
Hawaii Kai Auntie “Charlotte”